#![feature(byte_slice_trim_ascii)] #![feature(let_chains)] #![allow(dead_code)] use std::{cmp::Reverse, collections::HashSet, path::PathBuf, sync::OnceLock}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, Local, NaiveDate, TimeZone}; use clap::Parser; use gix::{bstr::ByteSlice, traverse::commit::simple::Sorting, ObjectId}; use heatmap::{ColorLogic, HeatmapColors}; use itertools::Itertools; use mailmap::Mailmap; use rgb::Rgb; use crate::{cli::CliArgs, heatmap::Heatmap}; mod cli; mod heatmap; mod mailmap; mod rgb; pub const ESCAPE: &str = "\x1B"; pub const RESET: &str = "\x1B[0m"; pub const DAYS: [&str; 7] = ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"]; pub static CHAR: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); static COLOR_LOGIC: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); pub static COLOR_MAP: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); const GREEN_COLOR_MAP: [Rgb; 5] = [ Rgb(0, 0, 0), Rgb(14, 68, 41), Rgb(0, 109, 50), Rgb(38, 166, 65), Rgb(25, 255, 64), ]; const RED_COLOR_MAP: [Rgb; 5] = [ Rgb(0, 0, 0), Rgb(208, 169, 35), Rgb(208, 128, 35), Rgb(208, 78, 35), Rgb(255, 0, 0), ]; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] struct Commit { id: ObjectId, title: String, author: Author, time: DateTime, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)] struct Author { name: String, email: String, } fn main() -> Result<()> { clear_screen(); let args = CliArgs::parse(); // dbg!(&args); CHAR.set(args.char).unwrap(); COLOR_LOGIC.set(args.counting.clone()).unwrap(); let color_map = match args.color_scheme { HeatmapColors::Green => GREEN_COLOR_MAP, HeatmapColors::Red => RED_COLOR_MAP, }; let color_map = color_map .into_iter() .map(|c| c.to_ansi()) .collect::>(); COLOR_MAP.set(color_map).unwrap(); let since = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(&args.since, "%Y-%m-%d").unwrap(); let until = args .until .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| get_default_until(since)); let until = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(&until, "%Y-%m-%d").unwrap(); let commits = get_commits(args, since).with_context(|| "Could not fetch commit list")?; let heatmap = Heatmap::new(since, until, commits.0, commits.1); println!("{heatmap}"); Ok(()) } fn get_default_until(since: NaiveDate) -> String { let mut until = Local::now().date_naive(); if since + Duration::days(365) < until { until = since + Duration::days(365); } until.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string() } fn get_color(val: i32, high: i32) -> usize { match COLOR_LOGIC.get() { Some(logic) => match logic { ColorLogic::ByAmount => match val { 0 => 0, x if x < 2 => 1, x if x < 4 => 2, x if x < 6 => 3, x if x > 6 => 4, _ => 0, }, ColorLogic::ByWeight => { let color = val as f32 / high as f32; match color { 0.0 => 0, x if x <= 0.2 => 1, x if x <= 0.4 => 2, x if x <= 0.8 => 3, x if x > 0.8 => 4, _ => 0, } } }, None => 0, } } fn clear_screen() { print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); } fn get_char() -> char { *CHAR.get_or_init(|| '▩') } fn get_color_map() -> Vec { COLOR_MAP .get_or_init(|| { GREEN_COLOR_MAP .into_iter() .map(|c| c.to_ansi()) .collect::>() }) .to_vec() } fn get_commits(args: CliArgs, start_date: NaiveDate) -> Result<(usize, Vec)> { let mut commits: HashSet = HashSet::new(); let repos = match args.repos { Some(r) => r, None => vec![PathBuf::from(".")], }; let branches = args.branches.unwrap_or_else(|| vec!["@".to_string()]); if repos.len() > 1 && repos.len() != branches.len() { return Err(anyhow!( "Number of repos ({}) needs to match the number of branch lists ({})!", repos.len(), branches.len() )); } let current_time = Local::now().time(); let start_date = start_date.and_time(current_time); let start_date = Local.from_local_datetime(&start_date).unwrap(); let authors = args.authors.unwrap_or_default(); for (i, repo_path) in repos.iter().enumerate() { let repo = gix::open(repo_path).unwrap(); let branch_names = &*branches[i]; let mut branches = vec![]; if branch_names.is_empty() { branches.extend(repo.branch_names().iter()); } else { let branch_names = branch_names.split(' '); branches.extend(branch_names); } let mailmap = Mailmap::new(repo_path); for branch in branches { let branch_commits = repo .rev_parse(branch)? .single() .unwrap() .ancestors() .sorting(Sorting::ByCommitTimeNewestFirstCutoffOlderThan { seconds: start_date.timestamp(), }) .all()?; branch_commits .filter_map(|c| c.ok()) .filter_map(|c| c.object().ok()) .filter_map(|c| { let title = c .message() .ok()? .title .trim_ascii() .to_str() .ok()? .to_string(); if args.no_merges { let is_merge = c.parent_ids().count() > 1; if is_merge { return None; } } let author = c.author().ok()?; let email = author.email.to_string(); let name = author.name.to_string(); let author = Author { name, email }; let author = mailmap.resolve(author); if !authors.is_empty() && !authors.contains(&author.name) { return None; } let time = c.time().ok()?; let time = DateTime::from_timestamp_millis(time.seconds * 1000)?.with_timezone(&Local); if time <= start_date + Duration::days(1) { return None; } Some(Commit { id: c.id, title, author, time, }) }) .for_each(|c| { commits.insert(c); }); } } let commits = commits .into_iter() .sorted_by_cached_key(|a| Reverse(a.time)) .collect_vec(); Ok((repos.len(), commits)) }