# zoomie
a zoomer app inspired by [tsoding's boomer](https://github.com/tsoding/boomer) but with support for wayland and written in rust.
## controls
| controls | description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
| Esc | quit the app |
| drag using left click or move the cursor to the edge of the screen | move around |
| hold Ctrl | enables the spotlight effect and hides the cursor |
| scroll wheel | zooms in/out |
| Ctrl + scroll wheel | change the radius of the spotlight |
| R | resets the zoom and position |
## install
### from source using cargo
- clone the repository
- `cd` into the repository
- run `cargo install --path .`, cargo will build a release build and install it, for more info check the [cargo-install docs](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-install.html)